Are you a PhD aspirant seeking a transformative opportunity to propel your academic journey forward? Look no further! Today, we introduce you to the TU RISE Scholarship, a prestigious program poised to redefine your scholarly trajectory.
What is the TU RISE Scholarship?
The TU RISE Scholarship stands as a beacon of academic excellence, generously co-financed by the Government of Ireland and the European Union. Embedded within the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27, this initiative aims to provide crucial financial support to deserving PhD candidates, empowering them to pursue their academic ambitions unhindered by financial constraints.
Key Features:
- 60 PhD Scholarships: The Atlantic Technological University (ATU) proudly presents 60 new PhD scholarships under the Technological University Research and Innovation Supporting Enterprise (TU RISE) initiative. These scholarships span diverse disciplines, including Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering, AgriFood & AgriTech, ICT & ICT Services, and more.
- Collaborative Opportunities: Scholarship recipients will not only deepen their expertise but also forge robust collaborations with regional enterprises. These partnerships, aligned with Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy and Regional Enterprise Plans, will see scholars serving as catalysts for innovation and bridging the gap between academia and industry.
- Joint Financing: Overseen by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), the TU RISE scheme receives joint financing from the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- Dr. Orla Flynn, ATU President: Dr. Flynn lauds the TU RISE allocation, highlighting ATU’s unwavering commitment to fostering research and innovation across the northern and western region.
- Dr. John Bartlett, Head of Research, ATU: Dr. Bartlett expresses delight at the launch of 60 new PhD projects, emphasizing the invaluable opportunities they offer to aspiring postgraduate researchers.
Why Apply?
The TU RISE Scholarship transcends mere financial assistance; it offers a gateway to a prestigious academic community, collaboration with esteemed faculty, and meaningful contributions to impactful research. Moreover, being a scholarship recipient can elevate your academic profile, paving the way for future opportunities.
How to Apply?
Interested candidates can seize this golden opportunity by applying through the official ATU website. Check the eligibility criteria and application deadlines to embark on your journey towards academic excellence.
Don’t let this chance slip away! Apply for the TU RISE Scholarship today and take a decisive step towards realizing your academic dreams.
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